Alp stamp?
Sir: Peter Young (4 July) refers to astronomical expenses to provide a service similar to the service pre-war. Why then do the Post Office pay their staff every week thousands of pounds for
making their present service less efficient ? refer to the physical task of delaying second-class mail. Thousands of hours are sPent on this one task alone every week.
, in the first instance this was done to blackmail the public into 'going' first class it has not succeeded and the Post Office should re-think the whole problem.
Why not a consolidated stamp at seven Pence with reduction for bulk postings? It cannot be good business sense to pay the staff to do their job (service to the public) less well than need be. Sydney Norgate
Enderleigh, Brant Avenue, Illingworth, Halifax Sir: Neither Mr Cook (19 June) nor any Other complainant whom I have read seems to grasp the full extent to which the Post 012flce contributes to what Mrs Thatcher has so well called our crumbling society today. The real iniquity of its recent indefensible ,deeision to end Sunday collections lies in the !act that in rural areas, i.e. where,the majority of weekend posting is done, the last Ptying of the pillar boxes takes plave on aturdays at 11.45 a.m. which, since the iltaiority of people have to spend Saturday Mornings earning a living rather than attending to their own correspondence, ttl,.eans that anything requiring attention on wtonday has to be posted, in these same a,reas, on the previous Friday by 5.30 p.m.
‘1. Reichardt .
,13 Hanover Court, Wyebank View, 'hePstow, Gwent