A public meeting, composed of men of all parties, was held in Edin- burgh on Monday to petition against the clause in the Universities (Scot- land) Bill which deprives the Town-Councilof its patronage. The Lord- provost at first presided, but he vacated the chair, after making a state- ment, and on his motion to that effect the meeting selected Mr. Robert Chambers. The resolution proposed was in accordance with the object of the meeting. It was moved by Mr. R. Macfarlane, and seconded by Professor Simpson in a speech of great length. Mr. Skelton moved an amendment to the effect that it would not be expedient to disturb the compromise assented to by all parties, and embodied in the bill. It was seconded by Mr. Campbell Smith. But the bulk of the meeting were hostile to it, and received the remarks of its supporters with yelling and uproar. Put to a show of hands the amendment was lost, and the original motion was carried by a large majority.