The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. By R. R. Madden, M.R.I.A. ; Author of "'Travels in the East," &c.
.4 Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the years 1653 and Mt Im- partially written by the Ambassador, Bulstrode Whitelocke. First published from the Original Manuscript by Dr. Charles Morton, DID., F.S.A., Librarian of the British Museum. A new edition, revised by Henry Reeve, Esq., F.S.A. In two volumes.
• Sketches, Legal and Political, of the lak Right Honourable Richard Lalor Shell. Edited, with Notes, by M. W. Savage, Esq. In two volumes.
Sermons. By the Reverend Abraham P. Mendes, Minister of the Bir- mingham Hebrew Congregation.
[The distinctive ' of these Sermons, and indeed their chief source of interest, arises from rue fact that they were preached by a Jewish minister of "the straightest sect to a Jewish congregation. Mixed with an exposi- tion of the present religions principles of the Hebrews, will be found the present hopes and fears of their more rigid teachers. The hopes point to Palestine, the restoration of the splendour and power of Israel, the coming of the Messiah, and the gathering of the world under his wings. The mass 1 of the Jews look upon these hopes as Utopian, and are unwilling to leave their homes, and properties or livelihoods, for any Syrian visions of this , kind. It would also appear from the denunciations of the preacher, that the Hebrew character is better able to resist adversity than prosperity. When
the Jews were persecuted, they were ready to go to the stake for their reli- gion. Now that they are, in this country, placed on an equality with their fellow subjects, they begin to fall off. They look upon the sacred forms of their religion as exploded ceremonies, and go through them lifelessly, or neglect.them altogether ; while many cease to be or to call themselves Jews. But there is hope left ; the Reverend Abraham Mendes sees in the various sects of Christianity a prospect of the conversion of the Christians to Judaism. The style of the Sermons is not without weight and power, though of a somewhat forced kind : the most remarkable trait of the composition is a certain hard dryness, very opposite to the unction of a Christian preacher.] A Popular Harmony of the Bible. Historically and Chronologically ar- ranged. By H. M. Wheeler, Author of "Hebrew for Adults?' [Mr. Wheeler intimates that the design of his book is to harmonize historical. statements in the Scriptures which "are not placed in their natural order," as well as points "which though possessed of a clear and definite meaning, if harmoniously regarded, seem open to doubt and cavil if read and inter- preted apart." He appears to succeed better historically than theologically. To direct the reader from one account of a transaction to another, or to se- veral other accounts, goes but a little way to harmonize the narrative ; for de- scriptions of the same event must naturally have a " concordance." The book, however, may be recommended as a clear analysis of the historical events of Scripture from Genesis to the close of the Acts of the Apostles, with a refer- ence to the chapter and verse, not only where the first narrative will be found, but any further statements. There is also a variety of subsidiary matter,—as sketches of Jewish history for the periods during which Scripture is silent, a chronological table, &c.] The Ethics of the Sabbath. By David Pirret. [An attempt to establish from natural reason the obligation of the Sabbath as the observance now exists in this country, as well as to prove that the State has no right to permit the opening of the Crystal Palace on Sunday. The reasoning is loose and inconclusive ; the composition very diffuse.] The Electric Telegraph Popularized. With one hundred Illustrations. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L., &c. From "The Museum of Science and Art."
[Dr. Lardner's aim in this publication is to render the subject of the electric telegraph "intelligible to all who can read, irrespective of any previous scientific acquirements" : and exceedingly well he has accomplished his in- tention. The nature of electricity, so far as it is known or conjectured, and the principles of its application to telegraphic uses, are lucidly explained. Descriptions are then given of the principal lines and modes of working them, as well as of the subaqueous undertakings. To these more strictly scientific topics Dr. Lardner adds a little of what may be called the gossip of the sub- ject,—as its uses in the detection of criminals, and the various messages it transmits. There is also some account of the other purposes to which the electric power may be applied. The book is copiously illustrated by cuts of a very explanatory kind. Altogether, Dr. Lardner's Electric Telegraph is an interesting volume, giving much in a small compass.] An Introduction to the Study of Jurisprudence; being a Translation of the general part of Thibaut's System des Pandekten Becht& With Notes and Illustrations by Nathaniel Lindley, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-law.
[Eight editions during the lifetime of the author, and a ninth after his de- cease, bear witness to the value which his countrymen attach to Thibaut's System of Roman Jurisprudence; though the _English mind might per-
haps consider that his divisions and subdivisions were too minute, if not pedantic, and his exposition rather tending to curt generalization. To this
translation, designed as an introduction to the study of the civil law, for the English law student, Mr. Lindley has added notes, and in the appendix a parallel view of the English law to the topics of the text, which almost forms a treatise of itself.]
Handbook of French Literature, Historical, Biographical, and [A very useful and able coup &mil or French literature from the time of the• earliest Troubadours to the present age. Till the formation of the existing
language, the specimens are translated ; but the specimens, except for the' very early times, are the least important feature: indeed they are too few irk number to furnish very satisfactory samples. The value of the book consists.
in its general picture of the early French literature, and the manners and morals it embodies, as well as in the biographical notion of individual authors, and the estimates of their works. The Handbook of French Literature supplies a want, and supplies it very well.] Past Meridian. By Mrs. L H. Sigonrney.
[A series of pleasant papers on advanced life or old age; pointing out the good that may attend the "past meridian" of life, and the best way of making the most of it. Mrs. Sigourney's essay on the endurance of the mental faculties, with the long array of persons whose powers have endured to threescore and ten or later, is an encouraging paper. The book is an American edition, imported by Messrs. Hall and Virtue.]
The Family Feud. By Adam Hornbook. (Routledge's Series of Original Novels.) [An original novel, containing nearly if not quite as much printed matter as a three-volume work at a guinea and a hall, and to be had for certainly not more than two shillings! Neither is the book itself inferior to many of those high-priced fictions that have fallen in our way ; though the author, Adam Hornbook, is at starting rather wordy and diffuse, and prone to take liberties with his subject and his reader.] The First Four Books of Milton's Paradise Lost ; with copious Notes,
Grammatical, Classical, and Critical. For the use of Pupil-Teachers, Training Colleges, and the higher classes of Schools. By C. W.
Connon, M.A., Author of " A System of English Grammar," &c. [This edition is primarily designed for teachers in training schools, and other persons who have not had the advantage of a classical education. Mr. Con- non holds, truly, that though the meaning of Milton's words may be gene- rally understood, their full import can only be attained by varied knowledge, the acquisition of which in the perusal may be made to serve the purposes of classical reading, as a mental discipline. The original notes will scarcely fulfil this intention ; though the publication forms a good annotated edition of the first four books of Paradise Lost.] Two Battle-Pieces. By Henry Lushington, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and Franklin Euehington, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[The poem on the battle of the Alma is a vigorous and graphic piece of writing, especially the stanza on the charge; but there is something of affectation in the expression, and the closing line to each stanza is cumbrous. The Battle of Inkerman is spirited, but too detailed : it reads less like poetry ti an the version of a newspaper correspondent's account.]
Russia and her Liars: illustrated by Engravings of the Kremlin, and the Church of Saint Basil, Mosoow, from Original Views. By E. J. Brabazon, Author of "Outlines of the History of Ireland."
[A compilation in which the personal characteristics of the Russian monarchs and their principal courtiers constitute the leading matter in the form of actions, anecdotes, and individual traits. The narrative is clear and readable; the reflctions are mostly just, but neither deep in thought nor striking in expression.]
The House that Jack Built, Philosophically Considered and Practically Illustrated.
[A neat jeu d'esprit. The designs are done in an intentionally infantine style, but with a spice of hearty fun which entails a laugh inevitable : let the sceptic try the experiment with " the man all tattered and torn kissing the milkmaid all forlorn," or with "the cock that crowed in the morn waking the priest all shaven and shorn." The version which is given of the nursery story affects a moralizing tone, which also has its turns of humour. The whole is printed by the antistatic process.]
The Historical Pocket Annual, for 1855. By Dr. Bergel.
[A chronicle of the principal events of last year, under the day of their occurrence. It is on the same plan as the "Chronicle of Occurrences" in the Companion to the British Almanack : but fuller, and includes the deaths of distinguished men. It is a useful publication, for the desk, table, or pocket.] Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. Printed for the Blind.
[The peculiarity of this publication is the raised letters, to enable the words to be read by the touch.]
The seventh volume of Dr. Smith's comprehensive edition of the "Decline and Fall" in Murray's British Classics, stands forthas the first reprint of the week. thin to Gibbon's celebrated work, at least as far as general subject is in question, comes Messrs. Black's new edition of Scott's "Life of Napo- leon," to be published in parts, with Turner's illustrations. The present number has, besides a portrait of Napoleon, a view of the Simplon, with infantry on the march, reduced to insignificance amid the vastness of nature. Closely connected in point of authorship with the Life, is the Railway Edition of " Rob Roy," for eighteenpence. The second volume of Mr. Jesse's " Court of England under the Stuarts" comes down to the death of Charles the Second. Dame's "Essays in Divinity" forms a neat volume. "A Few 'Words to the Jews," by the late Charlotte Moutefiore, is a new edition, though not so expressed on the titlepage. The others explain themselves; or, like " The Pucket Peerage," or The Year-Book of Facts," are so well known for their uses as to need neither explanation nor reconotendation.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. By Ed- ward Gibbon, Esq. With Noted by Dean Milman and M. Guizot.
Edited, with additional Notes, by William Smith, LL.D. In eight volumes. Volume VII. With Portrait and Maps. (Murray's Bri- tish Classics.)
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. With a preliminary View of the French Revolution. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Part L Bob Roy. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, in- cluding the Protectorate. By John lieneage Jesse. New edition, re- vised. In three volumes. Volume II. (Bentley's Monthly Volumes.) Essays in .Divinity. By John Donne, D.D., sometime Dean of St. Paul's. Edited by Augustus Jessopp, M.A., of St. John's College, Cam- bridge.
The Pocket Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland ; Genealogical and Historical Notices of the Families of the Nobility ; the Archbishops and Bishops ; a List of Titles of Courtesy ; a Baronetage of the United Kingdom ; the Privy Council, &c. By Henry Ramsey Forster, of the Morning Post. Fifth year. RevisLd Lv the Nobility.
The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art : exhibiting the most im- portant Discoveries and Improvements of the past year, in Mechanics and the Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Electricity, Chemistry, Zoo- logy and Botany, Geology and Geography, Meteorology and Astrono- my. By John Timbs, Editor of " The Albatt.t of Science and Art," &c.
A Few Words to the Jews. By One of Themselves.
• The History of England. By flume and Stnollett. With the Continua- tion by the Reverend T. S. Hughes, B.D., &c. A new edition. Vo- lume XI.
_Ruth Halt : a Domestic Tale of the Present Time. By Fanny Fern.
.4t Supplement to the Imperial Dictionary, English, Technological, and Scientific; containing an extensive collection of words, terms, and phrases in the various departments of Literature, Science, and Art : together with numerous Obsolete, Obsolescent, and Scottish Words, found in Chaucer Spenser, Shakspere, and Scott, not included in pre- vious Euglish Dictionaries. By John Ogilvie, LLD. Parts L and H.
Suggestions on the Organization of the British Army, in a Letter to the Right Honourable Earl Grey. By Robert Al- len. B.A., Balliol College, Oxford.
Bear-Admiral Sir John Franklin, C.B., K.C.H. A Narrative of the Circum- stances and Causes which "led to the Failure of the Searching Expeditions sent by Government and others for the rescue of Sir John Franklin. By Rear- Admiral Sir John Ross, C.B., K.C.S , K.S.A., &c. *i Peace. A Sermon on Peace, and the Du- ties of the Christian at the present Crisis. Preached on Christmas Day, by the Reverend J. A. Emerton, D.D., Principal of Hanwell College, Middle- sex.
Life according to the Pattern in the Hea- vens. A Sermon preached at Hudders- field, December 21, 1854, at the open- ing of the Unitarian Church. Fitzwil- ham Street. By James Martineau.
Thought on the Closing Year. A Sermon preached before the University of Ox- ford. on December 31, 1854. By George Rawlinson, late Fellow and Tutor of Exeter College, and Public Examiner. With an Appendix on the Examination of Dissenters.
Christianity in 71wkey. Correspondence of the Governments of Christendom re- lating to Executions in Turkey for
Apostacy from Islamism. With a Let- ter from Sir Ceiling E. Eardley, Bart., to M. George Tisch, Pasteur, Presi- dent of the Directing (Lyons) Com- mittee of the Evangelical Alliance, (French Speaking Section,)and the Re- ply of the Lyons Committee.
The Church and Church Diet; or Kirch- entag. A Sermon preached in the Church of Frederickstadt, Berlin, Sep- tember 25, 1853. By J. H. Merle D'Au- bigne, D.D. Reprinted from "Evan- gelical Christendom," with an Intro- duction by the Reverend W. Carus Wilson, M.A.
The Lord's Prayer Familiarly Explained: especially adapted for Youth. By Isa- bella Burt.
The Fourteenth Annual Report and Tran- sactions of the Boyal Saciety for the Promotion and Improvement of the Growth of Flax in Ireland; with an Appendix,
Bomaic and Modern Greek Compared with one another and with Anoient Greek. By James Clyde, M.A.
The Ladies' Guide to Life Assurance : briefly showing the necessity for its more extended practice amongst the female community, and the benefits to be obtained through its medium. By a Lady.