10 FEBRUARY 1844, Page 11



The fluctuation in the English Stocks has been about 4 per Cent; Console having touched 97 and 974 on more than one occasion during the last few days. The sales have principally been by the parties who were selling last week ; while the purchases have been those of the Government-broker, and one or two other influential operators. Among the causes that have induced the sales, may be quoted the state of the French Funds, and some degree of uncertainty as to Ireland ; the effect of the sales, on the other hand, is counteracted by the large purchases above referred to, and the continued investments of the public by which almost all the floating Stock has been absorbed. The statement of Revenue and Expenditure of the United Kingdom for the year ending 5th January last exhibits a surplus of 1,443,302/.; and as the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt are during the current quarter invest- ing the fourth part of the surplus of the year ending 10th October last, the appropriation of the above surplus of 1,443,302/. has not yet commenced. The amount applicable to the reduction of the Debt during the three months ending the 5th July, will consequently be about 350,000/.; and this appearance of the continuance of an actual Sinking-fund cannot but tend to keep up the price of the Government Securities. The transactions in Bank Stock have been unimportant ; and the price has only fluctuated between 192 and 193. India Stock has also remained without any fluctuation of importance. There is no alteration in the rate of interest of money, or in the premium of Ex- chequer Bills. The business of the Foreign Market has been of a more general character than usual; and considerable speculation has occurred in many of the current varieties. That in Spanish Stock has been, as usual, the most extensive : both kinds had yesterday risen nearly 2 per cent, within a little of which improve- ment the market then closed. This morning, upon the receipt of intelligence of the insurrectionary movement in Valencia and Murcia, the opening price was more than 2 per cent below yesterday's quotations; and after ralbing 1 per cent from the extreme point of depression, the market closes from 4 to per cent above it ; the Five per Cents Active being quoted at 23 4, and the Three per Cents at 324 4. The South American Bonds are still in demand ; and Peruvian have risen 2 per cent, without the arrival of any intelligence from that country to which this increased value may be traced. Portuguese Con- verted Stock has fallen about 1 per cent ; but the transactions occurring have been unimportant. The European Continental Bonds have maintained their recent prices, and in some cases a trifling advance has occurred. The Railway Shares generally are not quoted so high as last week ; and there does not appear quite such an eagerness for investment. By some this is ascribed partly to the observations of Sir ROBERT PEEL in the House of Commons the other evening, when the appointment of a Committee upon Railways was considered ; and partly it may arise from the uncertain state of the English Stock Market. The French Lines are rather improving, in consequence of the elasticity of the Paris market. Several new schemes have made their appearance ; but, with one or two exceptions, they have fallen still-born from the hands of their projectors, and are not current in the mar- ket at any premium upon the first deposit.


The English and Foreign Funds are at yesterday's prices; even Spanish Stock being without any material change.

The following transactions have occurred in Railway Shares : Eastern Counties Extension, 04; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 594; Great Western, Half Shares, 72; Croydon, 16-5; Manchester and Leeds, Quarter Shares, 10; Ditto and Birmingham, 40 394; Norwich and Brandon, 44; Rouen and Havre, 144; Sheffield, Ashton, and Manchester, 62; York and North Midland, New, 564. SATURDAY, Two &moot.

The English Funds close at the morning's quotations, after a slight downward fluctuation. In the Foreign Market, Peruvian Bonds continue in demand, and have been done at 275; being an advance of more than 1 per cent. Both varieties of Spanish Stock experienced a decline of nearly i ; but a large pur- chase by an influential broker, just before the close of business, has reestablished our morning's quotations. We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares, in addition to those given in the morning : Birmingham and Derby, 61 2; Eastern Coun- ties, 104; Great Western, 1124; Brighton, 444 5; Blackwall, 6; South- western, 774; Ditto, Eighth Shares, 24 4; Manchester and Leeds, 1124 113 ; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 10; Midland Counties, 91; Northern and Eastern, 554 5; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 154; North Midland, 95 45; Paris and Orleans, 334; South-eastern and Dover, 3554; Ditto, Scrip, 354. 3 per Cent. Consols 97 1 4 Milian Deferred 50 2 Ditto for Account 97 i 1 Columbian 6 per Ceuta 1824 3 per Cent Reduced 98 4 ea Venezuela 114 4 34 per Cent Ditto 103 Danish 3 per Cents 84 7t New 34 per Cents 102 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 551 4 Bank Stock 192 4 Ditto 5 per Cents 104 il Exchequer Bills 67 3 Mexican Spar Cents .......344 4 India Stock 277 8 Portuguese New Sp Cts .1841 46+ 7* Brazilian Spar Cents 784 94 Russian 5 per Cents 117 119 Belgian 5 per Cents 105 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 23 4 Milian 6 per Cents 103 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 324 *