10 FEBRUARY 1844, Page 10



On the Seth January, at Dover, the Lady of Captain MANNERS, R.N., of a daughter. On the 31st, at Rock Hill, the Lady HELEN &tawnier, of a daughter. On the 26 February, at Christ Church, Oxibrd, the Wife of the Rev. Dr. Jim?, of a son.

On the .36, in Grosvenor Place, the Lady Merton, of a daughter.

On the 4th, at Dillington House, Somersetshire, the Hon. Mrs. LEE LEE, of a daushter, On the 4th, at Shetntold Palk, Sussex, the Hon. Mrs. ASHBURNHAM, of a daughter. On the 5th, at Kensington, the Lady t.,t Captain Bestow, of the Sixty-first Regiment,

of a daughter.

On the 5th, at Longford Castle, near Salisbury, the Viscountess Froxesroxs, of a daughter.

On the 5th, in Park Crescent, the Wife of W/LLIAM FORSYTH, Esq., Barrister, of a daughter.


On the 4th December, at Belmont, Mazagan, Bombay, GEORGE BUIST, Esq., LL.D., to JESSIE HADDOW, youngest daughter of Dr. HUNTER, Professor of Logic, St. Andrew's, Scotland.

On the 20th January, at the Government Chapel, Malta, ROBERT AaBoura HuNTER, Esq., only son of Jameson Hunter, Esq., of London, to FANNY MARIA, third daughter of SAMUEL CHRISTIAN, Esq., of Malta. On the :,9th, at Gainshorough, the Rev. J. H. Witten, M.A., Rector of South Witham and Vicar of Bole, to lisamErr Arm, only daughter of the Rev. G. DODDS, D.D., Vicar of Corringham, Liueolnshire. On the 30th, at Fratiug, Essex, the Rev. ROGER Dawson Domicil% MA., of Down- ing College, Cambridge, and Lamarsh Rectory, to HARRIET, daughter of Mr. J. H. Samson, formerly of Cann Hall, Great Clacton. On the 1st February, at Mucking. Essex. ABRAHAM CswsroN, Esq., of Walton's Hall, in that parish, arid Shimpling Hall, Suffolk, to Miss SARAH Geatte,an, of Fowkes Buildings. Great Tower Street. On the lit, at St. George's, Hanover Square. the Rev. RICHARD GWILLYM, M.A., in- cumbent of Ult erstone, only son of the late Richard Gwill■m, Esq.. of Bewsey, Lanca- shire, ID SARAH, third daughter of the late THOMAS STRICKLAND, Esq., of Rey don Hall, Suffolk, and relict of the late It. Craws. Esq.

On the 3d, at St. Mary's, Bryauston Square, ROBERT Wrmabt PEACOCK, Esq., of Wyndham Place, Bryanston Square, to CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of HUGH Palmist, Esq., of Montagu Square, and Ashurst Lodge, Kent.

On the 6th, at Shaw Church, the Rev. CALEB Witmens, incumbent of Shaw, near Melksham, third son of Thomas Williams, Esq., of Cowley Grove, Middlesex, to FANNY ELIZABETH, third daughter of the Rev. THOMAS HEATHCOTE, of Shaw Hill House, Wilts, On the 7th, at St. James's Church, the Rev. C. S. ESC4TT, Rector of Kittesford, Somerset, to SARAH ANN Yourro. Recently, at Poulton-le•Fylde. Lancashire, FREDERIC, sou of Colonel MURTON, Royal Marines, to MARY, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Watson, Esq., of Poulton. DEATHS.

On the 22d. December, at Jerusalem, Roamer BATESON, Esq., M.P. for Londonderry. Oa the 2241 January, at Florence, ELLEN ELIZABETH WARDLE, relict of the late Colouel Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, ot Hart's Heath, Kent ; in her 77th year. On the 25th, tound dead in a hole in a shipbuilding yard at Neath, the Rev. JEFFREY Davies. Curate of Cadoxton. On the 26th, at Edinburgh, Captain Timms lanes. R.N.; in his 69th year.

On the 28th, in the Royal Crescent. Cheltenham, MARIA, relict of the Rev. CHARLES Jaime, late Incumbent of Cheltenham. Rector of Luddenham, Kent, and Chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. On the 30th, at Camden Cottages, Camden Town, JOHN ADD/SON, musician and corn. poser ; in his 79th year. On the 31st, ELLEN, Wife of JOHN BALKELEy JOHNSON, Esq., of Mortlake House,


On the lit February, in Berkeley Place, ELIZA, Relict of ROBERT LOGAN, Esq., of Egham Lodge, Surrey. On the 3d, at Canford House, Dorsetshire, the Earl of Bsssarnt000n ; in his 86th year. On the 3d. in Portland Place, ANNE. the Wife of the Right Hon. Sir him Wroaam. On the 4th, in Br3anston Street, the Dowager Lady Yonne; in her 58th year. On the 5th, at Clifton, the Hon. Lady Bowrost, Relict of the late Hon. Sir Francis Burton. On the 7th, in Chaudos Street, Cavendish Square. Mrs. DAMPIER, Relict of Thomas, late Lord Bishop of Ely. On the 8th, in Porehester Place, Hyde Park, I. NEWTON WHINEY, Esq., for several years M.P. for Brighton ; in his 49th year. Lately, at Somerset Herbert, Derbyshire. Ricasan and ELLEN PHILLIPS; the hus- band in his 93d year, and the wife in her 75th ear. The great ages of the live last in the register are remarkable, viz.-87, 84, 82, 93. and 75 years. L:dely. at Moyglass. near Eanisoorthy, Mr. Wnxiam Cowman ; in his 112th year. Lately, at Chepstow, Mr. Wita.rest MARMAN ; in his 103d year.