10 DECEMBER 1965, Page 15


ACROSS 1. Coat of arms (6) 4. Fateful meeting place of a brutal ending (8)

8. How Mafeking was put on the map? (8) 10. 'The crows and choughs that wing the midway air Show - so gross as beetles' (Shakespeare) (6) 12. East in France is a . carto- graphical addition (5)

13. By which to sec through the Nelson Touch, perhaps! (9)

14.-Royal letters containing the MBE should make for a glow- ing result (5) 16. Flow the Romans found the Sabine women? Certainly vice

versa! (9) • 17. A team of pavement artists? Ridiculous! (5, 4)

19, John Wellington Wells was a

self-confessed dealer in it 21, Where Zeus is honoured in

Sicily (9)

22. Brother Philip, one of Brown- ing's men (5)

24. This bone is not necessarily a holy relic! (6)

25. Type of neo-Georgian univer- sity? (8)

26. Fix your hash again (2-6) 27. A legal hold-up (6)


1. To which the sluggard might go for wisdom by mistake (7) 2. Sign of a Spanish hock? How offensive! (5)

3. Act on a second admission (2-5) 5. Hosts of an unwelcome nature (7)

6. Forgiving. at a price, like Chaucer's tale-teller (9)

7. Not much of this rose shows up, one would think (7) 9. So the hostess has an idea? It

sounds amusing (10) • 11. The academy for agriculture? 15. What a row they make in these competitions (4, 5)

17. Royal Artillery score is rougher (7) 18. The pinta in a state of ferment

19. Co) wboy saloon? (4-3) 20. The originator of fireside fair play, maybe? (7)

23. Prepare to discharge the first (5) Solution next week

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