10 DECEMBER 1892, Page 1


• MBRISSON has failed to make a Cabinet, partly, i t is said,

• through the reluctance of men who regard him as the only formidable rival to M. Carnot. M. Carnot himself was loyal ; but it seems certain that M. de Freycinet and M. Ribot 'would not join him, and the leading Opportunists would not let 'them go. M. Brisson, therefore, gave up the task, saying it was hopeless without the co-operation of all Republicans, and M. Casimir-Perier, M. Bourgeois, and M. Develle were in succession summoned, and either declined or failed. M. Carnot, therefore, fell back on the old set, and a Cabinet was formed, which is the old one re. peated, though M. Ribot is President in Council as well as Foreign Minister, and M. Loubet is only Minister of the Interior. M. de Freycinet remains at the War Office, and M. Rouvier in the Treasury, the only changes being that M, Bourgeois becomes Minister of Justice instead of M. Ricard, who is too " dry " for the Chamber, and that M. Siegfried takes the portfolio of Commerce—he is a sharp Protectionist —and M. Dupuy the Ministry of Instruction. The latter is said to be a footman's son—like our own Mr. Secretary C raggs- who has diplayed considerable ability as a teacher. The new Ministry is quoted as evidence of the exhaustion of the Republican Party ; but there is some reason to believe that the chiefs of that party of all opinions intend M. Ribot and M. de Freycinet to remain fixtures until the great war arrives.