We regret to find that a report which reached our
office at an early hour this morning, of the death of Sir Launcelot Shadwelf, is but too well founded. As we are going to press the bell of Lincoln's Inn is tolling for the lamented judge.—Globe.
It is believed that General the Earl of Strafford will be appointed Co- lonel of the Coldstream Guards.—Globe.
Sir George Anderson is appointed Governor of Ceylon ; and is to be- succeeded in the government of Mauritius by Mr. Higginson, now Gover- nor-in-chief of the Leeward Islands. Sir George Anderson has earned his promotion by the ability with which he has conducted the govern. ment of Mauritius, where he has effeeted a considerable reduction in the. expenditure, and introduced many useful practical reforms. Mr.
ginson was introduced into the public service by Lord Metcalfe, and has proved himself worthy of his friendship and patronage.—Times.
In a letter to Lord John Russell, through the Daily News, Lord Charles Fitzroy states himself happy to hear that his Lordship, though he will not allow of the Royal Commission to the Ionian Islands, "intends taking the Ionian affairs into consideration"—Lord Charles trusts, "seriously." He puts in its true light the alleged approval of Sir Henry Ward's acts by the Ionian Legislature—the Legislative Assembly which did this was one nominated by Sir Henry Ward ifnRe lf. Lord John Russell must not after the thanks of such a body, "contrary to all the facts of the case, justice, or reason," be surprised in a new Parlia- ment which immediately followed, (the representatives of which, under a new law, were really elected by the people,) that the six deputies from Cephalonia should have entered the lists in opposition to the Lord High C,ommissioner, himself having thrown down the gauntlet in defiance." Marking the two points most liable to abuse—the irresponsible high police power vested in the Lord High Commissioner, and his equally irresponsible power over the re- venue of the country—Lord Charles Fitzroy observes, that the abuse of the latter, through fear, declares itself, but the other, being silent, is more danger- ous to the rights of the people ; and Lord John Russell will "do nothing for the Ionians without probing deeply and fairly the abuse of this power by the- Lord High Commissioner."